The human genome sequence forms the cornerstone of contemporary human genetics. This course will cover hereditary and molecular genetics as it applies to humans, with a strong genomics and human disease perspective. It will cover transmission genetics, the Human Genome Project, identification and cloning of human disease genes, modern technologies for genome analysis, personal genomics and cancer genomics. We will also discuss current topics such as genetic testing, gene therapy and embryonic stem cells.
Course Mission
Provide a solid understanding of the concepts and scientific methods of modern genetics as it applies to humans.
Develop a better appreciation of the power and the limitations of a genetics-centric view of human biology and disease.
Develop conceptual skills to address questions in genetics research and clinical practice
develop critical thinking with regard to news reports of advances in genetics and their social implications.
The successful student Will be able to recognize, Understand and explain Basic genetic concepts including: DNA structure, chromosome organization, Gene expression, mutations, cell division, transmission of genes, pedigree analysis, Mendelian inheritance, polygenic inheritance, recombinant DNA technology, gene therapy, cancer, and genetic counseling. (Contextual Thinking)
Homework In-Class Assignments & Exams
Be successful student will be able to apply basic genetic concepts to a current genetic issue or controversy (Contextual Thinking)
Research Project
The successful students will identify and evaluate the scientific validity of genetic information presented in newspapers, magazines, movies, radio, or television. (Critical Thinking)
Genetic Current Event/Movie Assignment
The successful student will communicate effectively through a written and visual media.