Forensic Science

In Forensic Science, we present the philosophical, rational, and practical framework that supports a case investigation. We outline the unifying principles of forensic science, discuss the rooting of Forensic scientist might consider during an investigation. We also discuss the experimental methods and some of the ways in which a forensic analysis can be confounded.

This class is not an overview of the disciplines that comprise the Forensic Science, but rather the umbrella under which the practical work resides. Students will work through interactive exercises and discuss various scenarios with the instructors and their fellow classmates in a discussion forum. The explanation and clarification of assumptions and inferences will be emphasized.

At the end of the class, students will take a final examination in which they will be asked to demonstrate their knowledge of specific information that has been presented and also to extend that knowledge in considering questions about specific cases.

Assessment Method:


More Info

  1. Abstracts Participation
  2. Attendance Peer Evaluation
  3. Bell-Ringer / Exit Slips
  4. Capstone Project Portfolio
  5. Case Study Portfolio Lab Performance
  6. Exams Presentations
  7. Group Projects Professional Evaluation
  8. Homework Assignments Quizzes
  9. Internet Research project
  10. Journaling Lab Performance
  11. Oral/written review of literature


The Forensic Lab

Doses Of Evidence

The Dumpster Killer Serial Murderer

Death Investigations

The Wonderful World of Blood

2024/2025 Schedule
August Introduction to Course
Chapter 1: Introduction to Forensic Science
September Chapter 2: The Crime Scene
Chapter 3: Physical Evidence
October Chapter 4: Physical Properties: Glass & Soil
Chapter 5: Organic Analysis
November Chapter 6: Inorganic Analysis
Chapter 7: The Microscope
December Chapter 8: Hair, Fiber and Paint
Special Topics in Forensics: TBA
Review for Fall Final Exam
January Chapter 9: Drugs
Chapter 10: Forensic Toxicology
February Chapter 11: Forensic Aspects to Fire and Explosion Investigations
Chapter 12: Forensic Serology
March Chapter 13: DNA
Chapter 14: Fingerprints
April Chapter 15: Firearms, Tool Marks and Other Impressions
Chapter 16: Document and Voice Examination
May Special Topics in Forensics
Review for Spring Exam